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Sales and Enquiries: 01964 671734 / 0844 414 5045
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LABC Partner
LABC are a member organisation representing local authority building control in England and Wales. LABC promote the design and construction of safe, accessible, environmentally efficient buildings that comply with the Building Regulations.

Modular and Portable Building Association Full Member
The Modular and Portable Building Association are the trade association representing and promoting the use of temporary modular buildings and permanent modular buildings.

RoSPA Member
RoSPA is the UKs leading safety organisation. They promote safety and the prevention of accidents at work, and have been at the heart of accident prevention in the UK and around the world since 1917.

Constructionline Member
Constructionline is the UK's largest Government-owned register of contractors and consultants for the construction industry.

CHAS Member
CHAS is established as the market leader for health and safety pre-qualification in the UK. It is a non-commercial scheme available to suppliers (those who provide goods and services) and to organisations (buyers) looking for suitably competent suppliers. A CHAS compliant supplier meets acceptable standards of health and safety (the threshold standard or core criteria).

Committed to CSCS Platinum Award
CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) was set up in the mid-90s with the aim of improving site workers' competence to reduce accidents and drive up on-site efficiency. At Modular Buildings Ltd, we have been awarded the 'Committed to CSCS Platinum Award', ad proof of our organisation's commitment to developing a competent workforce able to meet the requirements of our customers, employees and the construction industry.

Considerate Constructors Registered Company
Started in 1997, this important initiative operates voluntary Codes of Considerate Practice, to which participating construction sites and companies register. The Code of Considerate Practice commits those sites and companies registered with the Scheme to enhance their appearance, respect the community, protect the environment, secure everyone's safety and care for the workforce.

Safecontractor Approved
As a leading health and safety pre-qualification assessment scheme, Safecontractor are dedicated to promoting higher standards of competence and compliance through the provision of relevant industry specific and tailored health and safety assessments for all professions and sectors.

+44 (0)1964 671734
+44 (0)844 414 5045

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Modular Buildings Ltd, The Deep Business Centre, Hull, East Yorkshire HU1 4BG. Company registration number: 06814089.